Welcome to our Digital Download Silver Jubilee Collection Webpage!
In 2017 Suzanne and Jim celebrated 25 years on the road as Troubadours. Over the years we have seen remarkable changes to the way touring musicians earn their living. In 1992 a major part of musician's income came from selling recordings at performances. In 2000 CD sales were at their peak nationally and most of us could count on a substantial addition to our fees through merchandise sales. By 2014 sales had plummeted to a bare fraction of the previous decade.
Clearly our business model had to change with the times ...and so was born the digital download
The traveling songsters of pre-modern times, the bards, troubadours and minstrels, were the transmitters and maintainers of oral histories and music, the very heart of the culture. They depended for their livelihood on the generosity of audiences and friends. We must adapt that model to 21st Century realities.
With that in mind in 2017 we released a 25 year musical retrospective, including some previously unrecorded songs now available for immediate consumption through the internet.
The Silver Jubilee Collection is available as a digital download. Keep Traditional American Music ALIVE! Support stewards of Americana Roots Music, Download it, play it and enjoy it.